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COURSE The route includes Eldridge Park and part of the Lackawanna Trail. The trail will be marked, and a map is provided.


PARKING Parking is available in three locations in the Park. However, the College Avenue entrance will be closed at 8:15 am in preparation for the Race. If you are coming for the Kid's Fun Run, the Grand Central entrance will be available, but you may have to wait for runners if it is after the 5K has started. You may also park in the parking lot of Wallin Insurance (on College Avenue) and walk in through the tunnel.


TIMING All awards will be based off chip time. Awards will be presented at 9:45am. You can check your time at Timing slips will be printed/posted near the Awards Table.


WATER STATIONS Two water stations will be provided along the route. One at the far end of the lake and one near the train car.


GEAR CHECK The start and finish line are in close proximity to where runners will park their cars. For this reason, we will not be offering gear check at this race. Runners should bring any necessary items and leave them in their vehicle for when they finish. 


NO DOGS Dogs are not allowed in the race.


SANITIZER Hand sanitizer will be available for participants to use as needed before and after the race.


RECOVERY SNACKS At the finish line, we will offer recovery snacks served by our volunteers.


NO LITTERING Garbage cans and receptacles for deposit bottles and cans are available.


SPECTATORS Please be respectful to all race participants.


MEDALS The first 125 participants will receive a Finisher Medal. Please pick up your medal after you cross the Finish Line.


TROPHIES AND AGE CATEGORIES Trophies will be given to the top male and female in each age category. Trophies for top male and female overall will also be presented.


Age Categories: 17 & under, 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60+. A brief awards ceremony will be held at 9:45am. Trophies will be presented by the Race Director. If you prefer to pick the trophy up yourself, please indicate that to our volunteer. 


POST RACE SURVEY Please complete the race participant survey found at or with QR code listed below. The survey provides us with information that allows us to better work with the local community and gain more support for future races, but more importantly it provides us with valuable insight into what we are doing well and what we need to improve. We love our runners and couldn’t improve our race without your feedback.


LOST AND FOUND There is no official lost and found. If we find lost items, we will hold onto them, and you can contact us at



2017 – 2024






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All rights reserved   |   | PO Box 205  |  Big Flats, New York  14814

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